Aikido for Kids
Children’s classes at Aikido Shugyo Dojo are for children from 6 to12 years old. The first class is free and gives your child an opportunity to try Aikido. It gives you as a parent a sense of what Aikido and the dojo are like before you register your child for the class.
A class includes warm-ups, exercises to enhance their coordination and spatial awareness, practice how to fall safely (forward and backward rolls) and basic partner practice. Experienced and carefully screened instructors lead the classes.

Schedule of Children’s Classes
• Wednesday 6:00PM – 7:00PM
• Saturdays 11:30AM – 12:30PM
Youth Classes
Children need permission from the Chief instructor prior to attending Adult/Youth All Levels classes, based on maturity at the age of 12 years old.
Fees are payable on the first day of the month.
Class Fees
•Child Beginner’s Package……$140 (3 months of classes)
•Child Monthly……………………..$70
•Family Package (Any two family members) 15 % Discount
Testing Fees for Children

Why is Aikido so good for kids?
Aikido is non-competitive and non-aggressive. Through Aikido, kids practice cooperation, awareness and concentration. They also learn respect for themselves and others. And Aikido is fun.
What are the physical benefits of Aikido?
Flexibility, body awareness, balance and stability in motion.
How old does my child have to be?
Children must be age 6 or over
Who are the instructors?
Experienced Shugyo instructors teach the classes. Assistant instructors help to reinforce instruction and provide supervision.
How do we start?
Come check us out. The first class is free. Your child can try a class and you’ll get a sense of what Aikido and the dojo are like.
When can we start?
Your child can start any time. Instructors adjust classes to suit the levels of the children on the mat.